Installing Nexus 3Java $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install default-jdk -ySep 29, 2020Sep 29, 2020
SonarQube Integration with JenkinsIn this article we are going to create a Pipeline using Jenkins in which we will analyse the code using SonarQube on an Ubuntu Instance.Sep 27, 2020Sep 27, 2020
AWS Case Study : FenderUsing Technology to Teach Musicians: How Fender Delivers Educational Apps using AWS ServerlessSep 23, 2020Sep 23, 2020
Big Data: Big Opportunities and Big ChallengesIn this 21st century, the magnitude of data generated and shared by businesses, public administrations numerous industrial and…Sep 17, 2020Sep 17, 2020
Building EKS Clusture using TerraformIn this article, we are going to use Terraform to setup EKS Clusture. You can see a EKS Clusture setup we are going to build in above…Aug 31, 2020Aug 31, 2020
Amazon EKS : Deploying a php-MYSQL WebsiteLaunching PHP-MySql website over EKS.Jul 15, 2020Jul 15, 2020
Facial Recognition using Transfered Learning on VGG16 modelProblem Statement(MLOps Task 4): Create a project using transfer learning solving various problems like Face Recognition, Image…Jun 27, 2020Jun 27, 2020